Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Simple Beauty

Can you capture a moment in a photo?
A moment in time that represents a lifetime. A beauty that is placed into a picture for all to see what life is truly about.


I am done working at my ex job! I am excited! Because this means SUMMER!!!

That all!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A Spring Day

A beautiful day. A day full of cool breezes and shopping and best friends.
Walk through the trees with a flowing dress, that is absolutely breath taking. And portrays me as a princess.
Reading the bible brings joy. Just a day where I am so excited! I will tell you more later..

Monday, April 28, 2008

A thought for the wounded

When it seems as if where you are is not what you want to be doing. Keep your chin up. Perservere, because once you are done with that stage in your life. You will be stronger. I know this because I have been in this place that I am in for about a year now. And now that my time is up well I can actually say that I am stronger now then I was when I started. So Yes it is true. I know this from first hand experience. Make the best out of it.
Keep it real.
And remember "Don't give up, Don't ever give up!" -Jimmy V.

An Almighty God

The Almighty God that I serve has been ever so faithful in never letting me stray away.
I sit and await a summer full of life changing experiences and best friends waiting to be met!
I can not explain to you how excited I am to see God transform my life this summer and the months after.
God has given me such an opportunity that I plan on taking with full strength and running with it and not looking back.

There has been some amazing things happen in my life lately. Such as, the way the Bible has become the most important thing I should be reading. I rely on its writings to lead me to where God wants to me to be. I want nothing more than to hear the voice of God. I have come to the understanding that God works through so many different sources. The Bible being one of them. I want to hear God in any way that I can. I surround myself with godly friends. And my family knows the Lord on a personal level. So the Bible is very important to me in knowing that God will reveal plans and messages through it so that I may better understand why I am on this earth.

Trust in the Lord no matter what. For He is always there no matter what anyone says. Rely on Him whenever things get rough and He will show you the way. That is a promise. Not from me, but from Him.

Be Blessed.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Stop and Stare

Where are you heading with your life?
Its ok not to know. But at least know why you are going that direction.
And since you are already heading in one direction. Run and don't look back. Make the most of it. And understand that since you have started running. you are becoming someone that you may not recognize. And only change yourself if its going to help you become stronger!
Stay Strong and don't slow down. Don't let your vision get twisted! Because when it becomes twisted you become someone else. I promise you later the next day, hour and even next 5 minutes. You will know that the decision you made was not yourself.

on that note. I am about to eat Chocolate Cake!!

Stay Sweet

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Walking in Sunshine

Walking through today. Sunshine coming down. Wow what a beautiful day! Loving every minute of it.
Taking in the rays of sun that hit your face.
Make a memory.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Perfect Day

The Perfect day.
Spent with someone you love. Someone who can make you laugh no matter what the circumstances are.
Best Friends. Duh.
Love at all times.
Silly photos. Way too much ice cream for one person to eat. 90 pizza rolls. Of course laughing. And staying up way too late talking about guys. duh.
The perfect guy though.
So that is my perfect day!!