Monday, September 24, 2012

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Another Day

A day that seemed like it was going to kill me in the end. But it was the grace of God that got me through the day, The Lord's mercy and grace has been overwhelmingly amazing!
Working at camp is not only fun but challenging in so many ways. I have a camp crush. WOW! He is so awesome!
I could talk about it all day. But I am going to stop myself from doing so...
I just needed to get that off my chest!
Best friends make the world go 'round! I'm just saying!
The Lord is so good!

Monday, July 20, 2009

time capsule

It's been a very long time since I have last blogged.
I hope that I will be able to keep up this time and stay constant.
So the pictures are recent. The first picture is from camp. I absolutely love this kid. He is my favorite. And then the second one is of me and my sister and her friend derek. We are at Steak n' Shake at like 2:30 am
This was after we went our dancing in the A.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Friendship is love

A friend who never leaves. A love. A bond that is unbreakable. I am blessed beyond measure.

I was going to talk about what love is. And we all know that pictures are worth a thousand words. well this one is worth a million.
These girls are sisters to me. They are with me through the ups and downs of the every day life. They are the ones who pick me up when I don't want to get up. I am the luckiest girl in the world. Because I have some amazing friends.

What is a friend to you? Is it your sister or is your best friend like a sister to you? Friendship sometimes is only for a season. Sometimes its there for a lifetime. Sometimes I would like to say its your choice, but this time I am going to say that its the Lord's will as is everything in your life. Be a friend who is willing to show your wounds. Your friend is there to help comfort you. Don't be afraid. Be bold. and most of all be yourself.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

When is it going to rain again?

A tired mind. A tired Heart.
A loss of words for something special and close to my heart, frustrated with myself.
my fears are taking over me. They are becoming more real with every day.
I wish to walk among the lilies and smile with one perfect Lilly placed behind my left ear. with my sun dress twirling about.
free and beautiful
a way of wonder beaming from me with radiance and beauty
what is true beauty?
speak your mind and what's in your heart.
to want something more... no longer. It walks away
Still hasn't turned back.
the rain falls on me, as I sit there, without. Peace is no longer.
A storm has occurred.
Still have not yet gone inside away from it. Watching and hoping that is will disappear.
But all that happens is that the storms increases in strength.

A life that seems to be lived out of the box. to be different, to be a follower of the united force of believers
walking through a tired day with little things to go by
Road signs-warning me. telling me and guiding me.
the ways of the world are slowly caving in on me. not really knowing when and where everything is
my world is being tipped slowly
I just want to stand up straight and see the world clearly.
wishing that the world was not so cruel, and that my heart was no so broken and trashed. I deserve the best

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

wandering in the dark

tense. scared. alone. weary.
I feel these when life gets difficult and things become unclear. I feel as if there is no where to go.
Cramped up in a small place. Figuring out which way is up. Confused by what the world is telling you. All you want is the answer. I want to know the answer. Greedy i become and no longer do I trust.
I again give my life and my desires to the Father.
No longer do i want to try and control the outcome.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

no longer mine

I have given everything to the Father. I can not do this on my own. Slip through my fingers for I never had hold on anything in the first place. I stand firm in my decision knowing that the Lord will bring it around in due time.
The dance will soon be here and I will not have to worry any longer

nothing is in my hands

Sunday, October 12, 2008

black and white

I don't have much to say. Because pictures are worth a thousand words. And whenever I look at this picture i just sit and think. And I begin to dream. Dream about the days when I was a little kid.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


we all want more than just peace. We are looking for a way out.
Peace is great and all but an answer to life is really what we need and want.

a beauty lies within all of us. When we find it is when our beauty shines.

I want to shine from the inside out with beauty and love.
To have both is to glow with radiance.