Saturday, December 6, 2008

When is it going to rain again?

A tired mind. A tired Heart.
A loss of words for something special and close to my heart, frustrated with myself.
my fears are taking over me. They are becoming more real with every day.
I wish to walk among the lilies and smile with one perfect Lilly placed behind my left ear. with my sun dress twirling about.
free and beautiful
a way of wonder beaming from me with radiance and beauty
what is true beauty?
speak your mind and what's in your heart.
to want something more... no longer. It walks away
Still hasn't turned back.
the rain falls on me, as I sit there, without. Peace is no longer.
A storm has occurred.
Still have not yet gone inside away from it. Watching and hoping that is will disappear.
But all that happens is that the storms increases in strength.

A life that seems to be lived out of the box. to be different, to be a follower of the united force of believers
walking through a tired day with little things to go by
Road signs-warning me. telling me and guiding me.
the ways of the world are slowly caving in on me. not really knowing when and where everything is
my world is being tipped slowly
I just want to stand up straight and see the world clearly.
wishing that the world was not so cruel, and that my heart was no so broken and trashed. I deserve the best